Updated 7/16/2023 - If you're a professional in the cosmetics world you know that building your kit can get real expensive. From your tools to the makeup your bank account can really take a hit. Luckily for us there are a ton of brands that offer licensed professionals discounts up to 40% off! Some brands are harder to get approval from than others but check out the list below and make sure to take advantage of these savings!
Anastasia Beverly Hills
"Coming soon"
How: Visit website, click on pro discount, fill out demographic and licensing info.
Credentials: License type, license state, and license ID #
Beauty Blender
Receive 40% off
How: Email artistry@beautyblender.com a copy of your credentials and a valid US ID.
Credentials: Must show proof of professional license or a call sheet, editorial credit or contact.
May take up to three weeks for approval.
Benefit Cosmetics
Receive 40% off all Benefit products and 15% off all Benefit services
How: Complete online form
Credentials: Submit 1 form of proof: union card, professional license, or publication masthead. Or show to 2 forms of proof: Composite card, Business card, Editorial page with name credit, Program or press material with name and profession, Contract on professional letterhead, Link to professional website, Professional letter of reference from employer.
May take up to two weeks for approval.
Camera Ready Cosmetics*
* A retail professional store that sells and offers discounts on many different professional brands. My go-to place for shopping.
Receive up to 40% off. Two tiers Pro Gold: 40% off, Pro Silver 20% off
How: Visit website, create account and submit License and proof of profession.
Credentials: Camera Ready Cosmetics is probably the more flexible brand when it comes to proof of profession. They allow multiple different ways to show proof such as cosmetology/esthetic license, business liability insurance, editorial in magazine, website, tax returns, copy of pro card from another brand, and more.
Charlotte Tilbury
Receive up to 30% off
How: Create account and email documents to mail pro.applications@charlottetilbury.com
Credentials: Offered to professionals and students. Submit valid photo identification (passport or driving license)Acceptance letter from accredited makeup artist school dated within the last 12 months. Professional business card with a URL link to a professional website or social media account, Editorial page or commercial magazine feature with name credit,URL link to a professional website, Accredited makeup school acceptance or graduation or professional valid license, Crew call list on production company letterhead, Reference letter from professional beauty brand detailing artistry position, Active professional social media business account (Instagram or Facebook).
May take up to 30 business days to process
Cinema Secrets
Receive up to 40% off. Two tiers Platinum Pro - 40 %. Silver Pro 20% off.
How: Complete online form.
Credentials: Offered to makeup artist, estheticians, cosmetologists, manicurists, on-air talent, models, actors, and performers. Must submit two of the following credentials: Photo ID, (required)Union Card, Cosmetology or Esthetician License, Professional ZED/Composite Card, Makeup Artist Certificate, Production Call Sheet, Business Card, Business Website & Portfolio.
May take up 10-15 days to process
Receive up to 30% off
How: Complete online form
Credentials: Must show proof of professional license. Available to cosmetologist, estheticians, manicurists, barbers, and massage therapists.
May take up to two weeks to process.
Frends Beauty*
* A retail professional store that sells and offers discounts on many different professional brands.
Receive up to 40% off
How: Create online account and email credentials to fwb@frendsbeauty.com
Credentials: Open to makeup artists, cosmetologist, estheticians, and students. Must submit two of the following: Beauty School diplomas from a recognized beauty/makeup school, Call Sheet (with name credit), Tear Sheet (with name credit), Union Card (with name printed on it), IMDB Web Link (with name credit), Cosmetology/Esthetician License (must be valid and legible)Makeup/Hair, Business License (name must be printed on the license), Business Website (website must offer a menu of services), TPG Membership.
Takes up to 2-3 business days
House Of Lashes
30% off for pro MUAs and 20% off for industry pros
How: Visit website and click on button to email them to apply
Credentials: Business website, agency comp card, union card, call list, and/or pro license
30% off for professionals and 20% off for students
How: Create account and apply online. May take 3-4 weeks to approve
Credentials: Online portfolio, socials an valid ID
40% off for professionals and 20% off for students
How: Create account and apply online
Credentials: Website link (not social media), Business insurance certificate (must be for the beauty industry), BABTEC MembershipCertificate/diploma from full time school of makeup artistry (minimum 50 hours), Call sheet (full LTD company address), BECTU Membership with ID card (makeup and hair branch), BAFTA Member ship with ID card, Nasmah Member, Proof of agency representation (name listed on agency website), Program or press material (must include name and profession), Tutor college badge, Tutor post graduate certificate in education (PGCE), IMA Qualification
Up to 30%, varies depending on profession
How: In store, online, or mail credentials to INGLOT USA LLC 14563 226th Street, Springfield Gardens, NY 11413
Credentials: Open to Makeup artists, cosmetologists, estheticians, manicurists, performers, hair dressers, bloggers, and models.
Credentials: Submit 3 of the following:
-Pro Membership Card from other approved Makeup Programs - License of accredited schools of cosmetics - Magazine tear sheet with name credit - Real with name credit - Program/call sheet - Union Membership Card - Makeup Artist Business Card - Agency Representation - Student ID - Enrollment Documentation - Professional Head shot
Koh Gen Do
Up to 30% off
How: Email credentials to customerservice@kohgendo.us
Credentials: Business card with name, editorial credit, union card, call/crew list sheet on production letterhead and professional license.
Discount amount not clearly listed
How: Apply online and email credentials
Credentials: Business card, certificates or call sheets.
Laura Mercier
40% off
How: Email credentials to makeup.artists@lauramercier.com
Credentials: Agency Representation- Provide link to agency websiteFilm or Television Experience- Email crew list with name credited as a makeup artist on set, Tear sheets with name credit, Copy of your Union Card. Professional license not accepted.
Living Proof
Discount amount not clearly listed
How: Visit website and sign up online.
Credentials: Proof of professional license.
Up to 40% - varies depending on profession. This pro program does have membership fees that do vary.
How: Apply online
Credentials: Open to makeup artists, aestheticians, cosmetologists, hairstylists, fashion stylists, manicurists, costume designers, models, on- air talent/performers and photographers. Agency listing, comp card, union card, editorial page, press material, professional website(not social media), certificate, salon site listing.
Makeup By Mario
30% off for pros, 20% off for apprentices
How: Apply online
Credentials: Call Sheet/Contract/Deal memo document, Active Makeup Artist Union Card, Cosmetology or Esthetician License, Program or Press/Media (print or digital),Agency Representation listed on agency website, Makeup Artistry website (personal), Credited Editorial Shoot;documented, Retail Pro Makeup Artist Membership (screen grab of current status)
Makeup Forever
Up to 40% off - varies depending on profession
How: Online application
Credentials: Open to estheticians, cosmetologists, salon/spa professionals, cosmetic retail employees, and students. Magazine tear sheet with name credit, Program or call sheet, Comp Card, Union membership card, Proof of agency representation (letter from agent or link to roster), Website, Blank Contract, IMDB Credit.
Up to 40% off- varies depending on profession.
How: Online application
Credentials: Open to artists, cosmetologists, performers, estheticians, costume designers, stylists, photographers, producers, models, talent agencies, set designers, actresses, art buyers and directors, students and more. Requirements are professional license, LLC, call sheet, professional website, school transcripts, union card.
Natasha Denona
30% off ( Not valid on eyeshadow palettes)
How: Apply online
Credentials: Makeup school and diploma. Licenses may be valid, recommend trying to submit.
Nigel Beauty*
* A retail professional store that sells and offers discounts on many different professional brands.
How: Apply Online
Credentials: Cosmetology license, esthetic license, school diploma, another pro card, website, invoice, call sheet.
May take 7-10 business days to process.
Discount price unclear
How: Email credentials to hello@nudestix.com
Credentials: Agency branded composite card, Certificate/diploma from full-time school of makeup artistry (minimum of 50 hours), Editorial page with name credit (must include date), Professional license listing profession, Program or press material with name and profession, Publication masthead, Union card, Self-hosted professional website, Proof of agency representation (listed on agency's website), Call sheet on production company letterhead, Pay Stub noting profession
30% off
How: Apply online
Credentials: Professional license or proof of current enrollment at a school of artisry
May take up to 14 days to process.
40% off (with additional 20% off purchases of $250+)
How: Apply online
Credentials: Unclear - will need to go through online application prompts for more info
Up to 40% off
How: Apply online
Credentials: Professional business website, Call list on production company letterhead, Editorial page and publication, Professional license (cosmetology, aesthetician), Union CardIMDB Credit
Business card, Current pay stub from client, salon manager or cosmetic retailer, Completed contract, Makeup Artistry course certificate.
May take 5-10 business days
Smith Cosmetics
Receive 20% off
How: Email credentials to proartist@smithcosmetics.com
Credentials: magazine tear with name credit, agency representation, professional license, website, union card.
Up to 30% off - two tiers
How: Apply Online
Credentials: Varies depending on tier application- Professional website with portfolio, Tear Sheet w/Name Credit, Agency Comp Card, Valid Union Card, Crew/Call Sheet with Name Credit, Valid Cosmetology or Esthetician License-Letter of Employment.
Urban Decay
40% off
How: Apply online
Credentials: Open to aesthetician, hair stylist, nail technician, actor, model, dancer, fashion stylist, costume designer, photographer, or other jobs related to the beauty industry.Professional license (cosmetology), Editorial page with name credit , Crew/call list on production company letterhead , Union card, Link to website, Business Card , or Professional letter of reference.